Just another GR refugee. Other than that, I had a stroke in 2004, and read almost anything I can get my hands on, though I have a particular weakness for history, mystery, and historical fiction.
Well, I am back from the library, with booty - a Bess Crawford novel, An Impartial Witness, and a book several of us are planning on reading, Trial by Battle.
The latter looks lovely, but I have a feeling I'm coming down with something (my ears are my early warning system), so I may well cuddle up with the Charles Todd. 'Cause I doubt I'll have the mental fortitude for the Hundred Years' War if I have a head cold!
(Which reminds me, I should add a disclaimer to my rating of Twilight: "Read with nasty head cold, thus chosen by 12-year-old me. She was moderately amused.")