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SusannaG - Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady

Just another GR refugee.  Other than that, I had a stroke in 2004, and read almost anything I can get my hands on, though I have a particular weakness for history, mystery, and historical fiction.

Currently reading

Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition
Paul Watson
Progress: 6 %
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
Ed Yong
Progress: 40 %
Wizard's First Rule
Terry Goodkind
Progress: 49 %
Thomas Cromwell: The Untold Story of Henry VIII's Most Faithful Servant
Tracy Borman
Progress: 14 %
Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life
Helen Czerski
Progress: 20 %
The Hanover Square Affair
Ashley Gardner
Progress: 10 %
Medieval Tastes: Food, Cooking, and the Table (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History)
Beth Archer Brombert, Massimo Montanari
Progress: 10 %
Scars of Independence: America's Violent Birth
Holger Hoock
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Yuval Noah Harari
Progress: 9 %
Elizabeth: The Forgotten Years
John Guy
Progress: 20/512 pages

The Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900-1914

The Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900-1914 - Philipp Blom

The Vertigo Years is a thematic exploration of the world before the Great War.  The events of each year of the period inspires the contemplation of a different theme.


1900: France

1901: Europe's aristocrats in their twilight of greatness

1902: Austria-Hungary and Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis

1903: science, particularly physics

1904: the Europeans in Africa, particularly the Belgians in the Congo

1905: Russia

1906: Europe's militaries

1907: the Bohemian fringe: pacifists, nudists, Madame Blavatsky and friends

1908: the "women with stones" - the Suffragettes

1909: machines and speed

1910: the arts

1911: popular culture

1912: eugenics

1913: crime and insanity

1914: summation on the world that was "run over by a bus," to quote the late historian George Dangerfield


It's probably not the first book on the period I'd hand someone who didn't know much about the era, due to its thematic nature - but it might be the second.