Just another GR refugee. Other than that, I had a stroke in 2004, and read almost anything I can get my hands on, though I have a particular weakness for history, mystery, and historical fiction.
Not a bad reading month!
My best read this last month was Clay Risen's The Bill of the Century: The Epic Struggle for the Civil Rights Act, which was a fascinating play-by-play coverage of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1965.
There was no worst read, as nothing was under 3 stars. The Monuments Men was interesting, but I think a better study of the magnitude of the Nazi art thefts is The Rape of Europa, which also covers the work of the Monuments Men. The book that didn't go where I thought it was going (not that it was bad) was The King's Dogge: The Story of Francis Lovell. The Georgette Heyer was what you'd expect, and a lovely thing on a night of bad insomnia. The Garden Plot was fun, and I'd read the next volume, if it's a series. Storm Front was amusing; I'd probably read another volume in the series, but wouldn't necessarily go looking for it.
Here's hoping June is as good a reading month. I have history (about World War 1, and possibly also other subjects), historical fiction (probably several), and mystery (just knowing my reading habits) in the probable batting lineup.