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SusannaG - Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady

Just another GR refugee.  Other than that, I had a stroke in 2004, and read almost anything I can get my hands on, though I have a particular weakness for history, mystery, and historical fiction.

Currently reading

Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition
Paul Watson
Progress: 6 %
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
Ed Yong
Progress: 40 %
Wizard's First Rule
Terry Goodkind
Progress: 49 %
Thomas Cromwell: The Untold Story of Henry VIII's Most Faithful Servant
Tracy Borman
Progress: 14 %
Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life
Helen Czerski
Progress: 20 %
The Hanover Square Affair
Ashley Gardner
Progress: 10 %
Medieval Tastes: Food, Cooking, and the Table (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History)
Beth Archer Brombert, Massimo Montanari
Progress: 10 %
Scars of Independence: America's Violent Birth
Holger Hoock
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Yuval Noah Harari
Progress: 9 %
Elizabeth: The Forgotten Years
John Guy
Progress: 20/512 pages

June Roundup

Still Life - Louise Penny Cleopatra's Daughter - Michelle Moran The Cruelest Month (Three Pines Mysteries, No. 3) - Louise Penny A Fatal Grace - Louise Penny The Boleyn King - Laura Andersen Strong Poison (The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries) - Dorothy L. Sayers

The best read this month was a re-read: Strong Poison, by Dorothy Sayers.  (One of my friends here posted it was her birthday, so a re-read of an old favorite felt appropriate.)


I discovered a new (to me) series, the Armand Gamache mysteries by Louise Penny, all set in the village of Three Pines, in Quebec, Canada.  The first was Still Life, but I also enjoyed the next two, A Fatal Grace and The Cruelest Month.  I would suggest reading the series, which I recommend, in order.


I also discovered a historical novel with a Roman setting, Cleopatra's Daughter, which I enjoyed, and if I had been a teenager would probably have loved (it slants a bit YA, probably due to its narrator, who is 10-15).


The Boleyn King was the disappointment of the month, despite my giving it three stars.  It is sold as "alternative history" focusing on Anne Boleyn having a son, and surviving Henry VIII.  The reality of it was Tudor historical romance, with a "heroine," Minuette, with distinct Mary Sue tendencies, and a luuuuuv triangle waiting in the wings.  It was OK, but it was a total waste of a great fictional opportunity.  (I will not be reading the subsequent volumes of the trilogy, as I understand that the love triangle storyline is to the fore.  I hate love triangles.)