231 Following

SusannaG - Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady

Just another GR refugee.  Other than that, I had a stroke in 2004, and read almost anything I can get my hands on, though I have a particular weakness for history, mystery, and historical fiction.

1384 BOOKS
Read (1095) Planning to read (109) Currently reading (26) abandoned (5) back at library (11) looked into, decided against (13) possible gift (11) wishlist (6) wishlist - library (42)
Favorite (21) Wishlist (73) Reviewed (214)
17th century American history (13) 18th century American history (22) 1920s and 1930s (119) 19th century American history (53) 20th century American history (31) alternate history (30) American history (90) ancient Egypt (11) ancient Greece (29) ancient near east (5) ancient Rome (65) anthropology (13) archaeology (11) art history (14) astronomy (2) biography (92) books with a passport (1) British history (120) children's literature (37) Civil War (12) classic English lit (63) contemporary fiction (4) cultural history (5) dragons (4) economic history (3) Edwardian (25) English Civil War (8) epistolary (4) espionage (1) ethics (1) exploration (9) fantasy (88) food (4) French history (22) French literature (7) gblt (1) German history (11) Greek literature (1) historical fiction (338) historical mystery (201) historical romance (60) history (341) history of science (32) humor (34) knitting (5) lima beans (1) linguistics (1) literary fiction (3) magical realism (2) Medieval history (42) memoir (13) movies (2) music (1) mystery (384) native americans (1) non-fiction (19) pirates (2) plays (52) poetry (3) read as a child (2) Regency (46) religion (2) Renaissance (8) Restoration (4) romance (57) Russian history (7) Russian literature (1) science (50) science fiction (43) Shakespeare (20) short stories (23) social history (43) spooky (2) sports (5) steampunk (2) Stuart (1) the Enlightenment (24) the movies (1) the South (13) true crime (5) Tudor (58) unreliable narrator (1) unusual narrator (6) vampires (4) Victorian (60) weird (17) werewolves (4) wishlist - library has (0) witches (1) World War 2 (18) World War I (38)
Unshelved (91)
unreliable narrator